Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Our next destination

Just wanted to post a quick update (as usual, the power was out for the majority of the day, meaning no internet). Anyways, as of yesterday morning, it was decided that we are going to South Africa!! Actually, we are leaving for the airport in about 30 minutes. Never, ever did I think that I would ever go to SA, but here we are soon to be on our way. We booked our flights yesterday morning after hours of researching which country we should go to next.

The plan was always to head to Zambia to see Victoria Falls - and then we thought about heading to Rwanda, Uganda, back to Kenya, Mozambique etc etc and the owners of the hotel we are staying at convinced us to go to SA. And actually, we are very, very excited about it - me especially, because we are going on a bunch of wine tours - woot woot. And before you panic, we will not be staying in Jo'burg (at all - we just fly in and out of there and don't even leave the airport)

By tomorrow morning we will be in Cape Town.

Anyways, I have to run, gotta get ready for the flight - we might be back on later to post more if we can get internet at the Airport.

Much Love

Melissa and Arnold


  1. We could use another post anytime now ... it's not like you're too busy or anything. K

  2. Happy?? I just posted 6 more for you to enjoy ... I might have a lot of time, but we are never in one spot for long and the internet is normally not the best. Plus its hard to write when we are on the go non stop :P
