Sunday, April 24, 2011

Local Transit

As mentioned previously, we have been using local transit to get around and well, it is the ONLY way to get around. Not because its easy or cheap, but for the pure entertainment value provided. Italian people are HILARIOUS!!! Local transit is our form of daily entertainment and you can't beat it. Every day on the bus we would experience some form of Italian drama and it would keep us laughing all day long. I'm not sure what it is about Italians, but it seems like they are non-stop drama. haha but maybe its because I can't
understand a word of what they are saying??

On our way back from the coast, this Italian lady was pretty much crying because the bus driver wouldn't stop by bus when she wanted him to. "Signore, Signore, Signore" was all she kept saying. And we weren't laughing because of her issue, but more so because of the commotion is caused on the bus. Everyone knows an Italian person or two, and when they talk, its in a very excited tone, with a lot of hand motions and it just sounds like drama (even if its not). By the time the bus stopped and she got off, most of the Italians on the bus were having a bit of a laugh over the situation (BTW, you should have seen her face when she finally did get off - man, if looks could kill hhahaha). Then the next day, same bus, different city and some guy was mad because the bus was too hot. Once again, talking loud with a lot of hand movements, and walking around the aisle opening windows.

I honestly, can't get enough of the amazing Italian drama we would encounter on local transit. And it seemed like every where we went, whether it was bus or train, there was always something. But I think its because they talk in such excited tones and don't know the meaning of quiet voices. hahah Either way, local transit
is the best in Italy.

Love Melissa and Arnold

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