Monday, May 9, 2011

As most of you know Capri is a small little island just off the Amalfi Coast - a stunning little island might I add. During the winter the town's population is about 8,000 people, during the spring about 12,000 and then in the summer about 40,000-50,000 people - so it can get extremely busy and congested. This also doesn't count Anacapri - which is another small town on the Island. (I haven't been there yet, Arnold told me that I had to wait for him to go check it out.) The town itself is located at the top of the island - I would say its about 2kms from top to bottom. So basically, the town is built on a hill and to get to most places
within the city you either have to walk up hill or down hill at some point in the trip. Most of Capri isn't accessible by car, which is actually pretty cool, but a bit crazy too. Just before you reach the main plaza in Capri, is the last bus stop and after that point no cars are allowed, and well wouldn't be able to fit anyways. So most people in Capri do not own a car, maybe a scooter, but that is about it. All of the streets after the main plaza are very narrow - the width of a street is about three people side by side. So very narrow
and ever more narrow when people decide to stop right in the middle and block traffic (but I'm not bitter about that at all haha).They have these very little motorized "trucks" that help transport food to the little stores throughout the winding streets, but they can only by used on certain streets. The Ambulance here is sooo small - as you can imagine, it has to be in order to fit down the streets. I can't really describe it - two people sit up front and then in the back one person may be able to almost lay down in the back with a person
sitting beside them. I would say that the actual ambulance itself is about 6 feet tall and 9 feet long. (Smaller then the minivans back home)

Another interesting thing about Capri (and other parts of Italy) is Siesta time. Before I came here, I thought the idea of Siesta time was fantastic and then it started messing with my schedule and it was no longer fantastic. Most places are closed from 1-3PM and then closed all day on Sunday. I have realized that 1-3PM is the time that I like to get stuff done, but of course everything is closed and don't even get me started on Sunday's - who doesn't love to use a Sunday to get caught up on grocery shopping. Now that I have adjusted to the lifestyle, I love it - but at first I was not a fan. I was a bit annoying, but have learnt to plan around it. Also, nothing is on time here - if they say they open at 3PM, it means that they open at 3:15PM - they are never early haha. Just another thing to remember and to get used to.

I really, really love life in Capri and I'm a bit sad to have to leave, I'm excited to travel again, but I know it's going to be hard to leave on Saturday. I have had a chance to really explore the Island and its incredibly beautiful - plus the people are starting to warm up to me now. haha Some of them are actually pretty nice to me now.

More posts to come...

Love Melissa and Arnold

PS. Arnold gets here today!! I am sooo excited to have my Yosh back... he's actually late, so I think that he missed his train in Rome :S ... I have a feeling he won't be too happy when he does arrive, but I've got things to do so he can spend the afternoon sleeping and relaxing.

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