Sunday, May 1, 2011

"Capri Fitness"

Okay, first.... did you watch? did you watch?? OMG, loved, loved, loved the Royal Wedding. I loved it so much that I actually watched it twice haha ... thought it was amazing and the dress, stunning. And how cute were William and Harry - especially loved when Prince Harry turned back to look at Kate and whispered to his brother about what to expect AND of course when Prince William finally saw his bride and told her that she looked beautiful. Okay, enough gushing ... and Karley, you are hilarious, loved your comment

Allora, after arriving in Capri, the first thing I wanted to do was find where the gym was and see if I could join it haha (what? the gym is more important then a place to live, besides, Arnold could handle the flat hunting haha). It took us all of about 5 minutes to find one and even less time to sign up for a month. A very, very expensive month, might I add, but it was well worth it. I think that's when Arnold knew that I would be more then fine on my own - I could finally get back to my workouts. So yes, I have been enjoying some sweet workouts in a proper gym and no longer having to workout in our hotel room - haha, that is a story for another day - lets just say Arnold was calling me Rocky when I started using my backpack as weights.

The gym is small, but definitely big enough for what I need. The view from the gym is pretty much the best thing about it - as I run on the treadmill I get to look out into the Bay of Naples and watch all the boats coming in going. It sure beats the view at my old gym - haha okay, there wasn't a view. Plus I swear that it is the cleanest gym I have ever been in. A lady cleans the entire gym every morning - its amazing. So yes, I have definitely been very happy about living here - another reason why life has been great.

I have never been one for fitness classes - mostly because I want to quit in the middle if they are too hard and I have terrible coordination. But I have been pretty bored with my Ipod lately and the one class always has good music so I thought I would try them out - plus they are included in the cost of the membership so I might as well do it, right? So the first class I did was Pilates on a Friday morning - first, I have never done Pilates before and second, it was ALL in Italian (obviously) haha. Let's just say I can count like a champ in Italian now. It was actually a lot of fun, but super hard - I had to always be watching the instructor and/or the other people around me in order to figure out what do next. The second class I tried was a "total body" class (it was the class with the sweet tunes) and it was definitely entertaining. The start of the class sort of reminded me of those 80's workout that I have seen - all we needed was some leg warmers. The class was a lot of fun and wasn't too complicated so I could follow along pretty easily - I just hope it doesn't become a step class because that could really get interesting. So now I am going to classes on Wednesday and Fridays - not only do I get a good workout in, but I get to have a good laugh after.

Two more things that I wanted to quickly mention is that one, people honestly stare at me like I am some sort of mythical creature when I run through the main square to get to the gym - it's like they have never seen a person running and/or working out - it is hilarious. Second, the ladies that do the fitness classes are the best. It's like being back in high school - some are okay with me being there and some, haha do not like me at all. A couple say hi to me in the morning and the others just give me dirty looks - I have to make sure that I don't use the wrong mat during the class - they all have their spots so I need to be careful where I stand and/or place my mat. I think that a couple of the ladies there go to the classes as more of a gossip thing then to actually work out - the one lady doesn't even bother doing half of the class. It's awesome. Like I said, they are the best. (Some of them even dress the same - its like they call each other in the morning to plan their outfits haha) ...

Hope all is well with everyone - thanks for reading and all the emails/comments.

Love Melissa and Arnold

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