Sunday, May 15, 2011

Fashion Police

Not that I am one to talk because I have pretty much been a walking advertisement for Lululemon on this entire trip, but seriously, there is some crazy fashion in Italy. For the most part the people here are pretty stylish and have some really nice clothes, but then you see some outfits and wonder what they were thinking and/or when that became a good idea. Here are some of my favorite styles so far.

Hogan - I've come to notice that there is a store called "Hogan" here and the concept is pimped out running shoes. So picture the shoes you wear to the gym, but in silver (or bedazzled) and with a wedge heel. Like I don't get it, BUT they love it here (could be a European thing? I'll keep you posted). Like I understand the concept of having comfortable footwear and not wanting it to be ugly, but in my opinion they are ugly - I would rather wear my gym shoes out then those things (and the aren't cheap) haha.

Track Suits - Like I said, I can't talk because all I wear is Lulu, but a full on track suit? That is wear I draw the line. The funny thing is, they are wearing it for fashion and not for comfort. And the best has to be the matching track suit couple. It really makes my day when I see that.

Swimming "Costumes" and short shorts - I love how the guys here have skimpier bathing suit bottoms then me - its very entertaining at the beach. And I have also noticed that the guys at the gym wear tighter and shorter shorts then me when working out. haha. I think its a look that Arnold should start rocking.

Since we are on the topic of fashion, I should mention one other thing that was just as amusing to us since we have been away - plus I don't want people to think that I only pick on Italians, because they aren't the only ones committing these offences. When we were on our safari, we didn't get the memo about packing our safari gear and were pretty upset about it. We forgot our camo pants/shirt combos, our fly fishing vests so we could carry 100 rolls of film - oh wait a minute, everything is digital, so why all the pockets?, animal print shirts, wide brimmed hat, and white gloves (Ally, why are you laughing? ;) haha) I think Arnold and I were some of the very few people who didn't own anything in Khaki while on the safari and dressed somewhat
normal. It was like as soon as they heard the word Safari they had to go all tacky tourist styles. haha anyways, like I said, I can'treally talk and I'm sure when people see me, they laugh at me, but I had to share some of my thoughts on the fashion I have seen so far.

Oh and one last thing - not fashion related, but still REALLY fun to watch. People posing for pictures - wow, that takes people watching to a new level. It is honestly really funny. Next time I see it happening, I will take a picture to show you guys what I mean.

Love Melissa and Arnold

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