Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Final Straw

Arnold wasn't enjoying India and was starting to lose his cool with everything related to India. He hated the heat and the non stop sweating, hated the humidity, hated the people staring at me, hated that I couldn't wear the clothes I wanted to because of the attention, hated how everyone was just trying to take your money. Everything - he was sick of it. BUT the breaking point for him was this (which is so funny that I couldn't stop laughing).

We got back to our hotel in Jaipur and headed to the cafe style restaurant at the hotel. I wanted to save our table outside so I told him to leave his "hanky" (aka sweat rag/bandanna) and newspaper on the table. I wanted him to leave the water, but he ended up taking inside when we went to order. Now, first, the hotel was nice, not Four Seasons nice, but it was okay. Mostly families or couples like us. Definitely not a low budget backpackers place. Anyway, we came back outside after ordering - we were gone for maybe 6 minutes and when we got back his hanky was gone. HA HA.

First off, who steals a sweat rag, like really?? And it wasn't even nice looking, plus it was wet from him using it all day. OMG, honestly, I thought Arnold was going to lose his mind right then and there. He was like "I knew that was going to happen, I knew I should have just taken it with me". He was so mad - like if he could have he would have left India in that second and never came back haha. I tried not to laugh because in my mind the whole situation was hilarious, but I kept it together for about 10 minutes until I burst out laughing. The whole situation was so funny and couldn't help bug him about his lost hanky. That was it for him though,
he wanted nothing more to do with India after that. We laugh about it now ;)

India as you can tell by posts, is a very, very tough. While you are there, you want to leave, but looking back maybe it wasn't so bad.

Love Melissa and Arnold

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