Thursday, June 23, 2011

Italy vs Spain vs France

So after spending time in all of these countries, I have to say, Italy is my favorite. Shocking!! Especially for me because I never wanted to go there in the first place. But I have to say, it really won my heart over. I think its more so the people then anything. I truly miss Italians - they are crazy, but amazing all at the same time!!! When we got to Spain - they seemed so mellow and then we get to France and well haha. I had always heard the French were rude and typically people never had anything good to say about them and well, now I know why. They really are rude and sometimes you just want to smack them. I think my girlfriend summed it up best for me in an email not too long ago (now I'm going to censor it, haha but you will get the point) Italians are jerks, but at least they are amusing, whereas the French are just jerks and arrogant. Pretty much bang on.

And don't get me wrong - not all French people are rude, but just a handful that we dealt with in Paris. And don't even bother speaking French in Paris because they just answer back in English and don't have the time to deal with our crappy accent haha. Not that it bothers us - we just think its funny. But in all honesty, we have had a wonderful time in each country and have seen some amazing stuff, but for some reason Italy is the big winner in my books. I probably say that because I spent the most time there and lived there for a period of time, but I had a fantastic time there.

France is winning back my heart (especially after the week we just had - proof that the French are wonderful, you just have to leave Paris to see it), but I think Italy will always come out on top.

Seems like I am always behind on our little blog, but I'm catching up - we have a travel day tomorrow, so I hope to post a couple more things tonight to catch up. We have been in the South of France for the past week - getting rested before we start our last leg of the trip, which could prove to be more hectic then Africa?!?! haha ... guess time will tell.

Hope all is well with everyone - we miss you guys and thank you for reading. Send us emails - we love hearing from you guys!!

Love Melissa and Arnold

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