Monday, June 6, 2011

Seville, Spain

Aaah, such an amazing city. I didn't really know what to expect after leaving Barcelona, because Barcelona was so different then what I had expected and thought the rest of Spain would be the same. But I am happy to report that it isn't - it is more like the Europe I was used to - Old buildings and confusing streets.

We stayed at a hotel that was about a 10 minute walk from the tourist area - so our hotel was in the heart of the local area. Not a lot of people spoke English and the food was better and cheaper. All of the streets were soo narrow - one car could drive down the road with about 3 inches on either side before they hit the curb - I couldn't drive there - haha, I would rub the curbs every two seconds. Anyway, the streets are also in all different directions and the names change from block to block - we would have never have been able to find anything without a map.

It was also +35 everyday that we were there so of course I loved it (and Arnold hated it - not the city, just the weather). We spent most of our time walking around, checking out the sights and sitting in coffee shops. It was almost like being back in a third world country (almost being the key word). I think I say that because there was a bit of grunge and dirt there - the streets in Barcelona (and Florence) felt so pristine and clean. Maybe, I just got that impression from the area we were staying in - it just seemed a bit more raw and unpolished, but not in a bad way at all, it actually made it more endearing. Either way, it was a fantastic place to visit and a great way to experience the Spanish culture. We intended to do some day trips to the surrounding areas, but just ended up spending the whole time in Seville. After touring around day after day, sometimes, its nice to just stay put and relax - so that's what we did.

Love Melissa and Arnold

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