Thursday, June 23, 2011

Our one year Anniversary

Who would have ever thought we would be spending it in Paris - I definitely didn't last year when we were getting married. So we definitely consider ourselves very lucky and its probably one we won't forget. We sort of celebrated over the two days (Sat and Sun).

On Saturday, Arnold had bought tickets for the Eiffel Tower - I really, really wanted to go up the Tower to the top and we hadn't had a chance to do that (we actually went there a couple nights before and did manage to get up to the second deck, but we got caught in the middle of a lightening storm - great place in a storm eh haha, but amazing view and pics). So finally, I was going to get to see Paris from the Tower. It was really, really cool, but damn, its one line after another - definitely recommend it, but I don't think I will do it again - we had some great photos and some hilarious stories (for another post). After spending two hours at the tower we did a little gift exchange and then had one of the best meals out. I love those really, really long dinners. They are my favorite - sitting in a restaurant for 3 hours just chatting and drinking. I really don't think it couldn't get better - plus it had been a very long time since we had done that and/or gone for a nice meal.
Arnold picked the restaurant because they had a specialized vegetarian menu (for me) and it definitely didn't disappoint.

Then on Sunday, the day of our actual anni, we went for French Crepes and then headed to the Eiffel Tower to drink some Champagne. Aaaah, drinking champagne under the Eiffel Tower - I don't think it could get any better. Then headed home a wee bit tipsy. Hard to believe that a year has already gone past - just seems like yesterday that we got married.

Love Melissa and Arnold

PS. Today marks the day we started dating 5 YEARS ago!! hard to believe that as well...

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