Thursday, June 30, 2011

St. Remy

Some how we lucked out and were able to stay a week at the M house in St. Remy. One day Arnold was checking the house schedule and someone must have cancelled their reso, so we got in there and booked it. A perfect ending to our trip in France. Plus it was fun going back to the area that we got engaged (well fun for me, but I don't think it was a big deal for Arnold) haha. It brought back a lot of good memories (I wanted us to go back to Remoulins and have him act everything out again, but that wasn't going to happen)

While we were there, our friends came to visit us for a couple of days. It was really nice visiting with friends - Arnold got to have a lot of 'nerd' talk (Nerd talk is his hockey pool talk). The first night our friends got into town we decided to go out for dinner. After strolling around the town looking for a place on the patio we picked a random restaurant because it was the only one that we could get a table at (outside). Anyway, we sit down and are looking over this menu when one of the servers realized  that we spoke English (and were Canadian) and all of the sudden he starts swearing in English. It was hilarious - I think he really wanted to say those words out loud and were waiting for young, English people that wouldn't take offense to it haha. It was random and very funny. The next best thing that happened at that restaurant was when they decided to have two employees dress up as MJ (who they annouced had come back from the dead) and I think a girl as Britney Spears (but I can't be certain who she was because I was laughing too hard). The guy that was swearing at us in English explained to us in a very serious tone that 'it was't rehearsed and that they just wanted to do it - I think it might have been the anni of MJ's death, but I have no idea).

Two days later we went for ice cream at that same place and the guy came up to us swearing in English again. haha it was pretty funny and random.

We had amaying weather for our last two weeks we were in France -not to rub it in. But it was +35 every day. Great weather for being lazy and relaxing by the pool. I think we just wanted to have a bit of down time before Asia because from here on in, it will be non stop.

Love Melissa and Arnold

PS. I donät have time to spell check and the keyboard I am using is German, so sorrz about the mistakes. In a huge rush

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