Sunday, June 12, 2011

Eating Out....

Sorry this is an old blog post as well - this was back in Seville

The first time on our trip, breakfast wasn't included in the hotel so we were on our own. Not knowing where to go, what to expect we just headed out and went into the first place we saw. It was awesome - such a great experience. The guy spoke very little English and as we came to know, Spanish breakfast consists of toast and coffee LOL (and ham). Well that was the only thing on their menu anyway. So every morning we would head to this little, little bar and have toast, freshly squeezed OJ, and espresso.

Quick funny story, so the coffee that they drink there was made with a shot of espresso and milk. Arnold hates milk - and likes Americano's. The first morning we tried to order that, but it didn't work out so well, so I told him he should just order espresso and they can't mess that up. So the second day I told the guy double espresso and he said yes, so all good. Well somehow are order come out to be a double espresso and a single espresso - double for Arnold and single for me. I didn't have the heart to tell him that wasn't right and
we didn't really care either - so we just left it as is. Then the next day we went in there and he just held up two loaves of bread and I nodded yes and told Arnold I wasn't sure what we were going to get today, but at least we were getting the delicious toast. Once again, two espresso's, one for me and one for Arnold haha.
Arnold would just take my espresso and dump it into his cup. Either way it was hilarious and perfect all at the same time.

We would just walk in and he would bring us our order. It would have been too confusing to try and change anything up so we just left it exactly as is, even if we didn't want something LOL. ooh and I should mention it was the same crew of people in their every morning - it was awesome. Also, people are boozing first thing in the morning - nothing like a glass of red wine to start the day, right? haha

Another one of our go to places to eat, was behind this church right near the hotel. Three restaurants all shared one patio - each restaurant had their own colored chairs, so you had to make sure you sat at the right color of chair for a certain menu (something we learnt the hard way LOL). I think that is why I said Seville reminded me of a third world country - the patio was sand/dirt, the tables were folding wooden trays and stray dogs would come up to you begging for food LOL. We would order three tapas for both of us, for around 10 Euro and that would fill us up. Sooo cheap and the food was really good compared to other places we ate at and for half of the cost.

Love Melissa and Arnold

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