Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Prison Food...

So I'm not sure if I have mentioned this before (same goes for the next post - because I always mean to talk about them, but never do) but I thought you guys might enjoy this. Since we have been away, we mostly eat out (of course). And when we do have a kitchen we definitely take advantage of it.

While living in Capri, I came up with a meal that I liked to call "Prison" Food. It was my version of minestrone soup. When you only have two elements to cook on and no spices to cook with, you have to become inventive with how you cook. I wasn't about to spend a bunch of money on spices that I would use once or twice so all I had was salt and pepper. As it turns out, Arnold LOVES this meal (I actually really enjoyed it and it was my staple while in Italy). So whenever we are at a place with a kitchen he asks me if I am going to "make prison food" haha sounds really tasty eh.

But I have come up with some pretty good recipes that only call for very limited amount of supplies - sometimes better is more. (oh so cliche and cheesy I know LOL). And I'm not going to lie, I think these new masterpieces that I have created will make an appearance once we get back to Calgary. Haha. Next time you are at home cooking, think about what you would cook with only two elements (and only pots) and with only salt and pepper to make it taste good (okay and a bit of soup base). See how creative you can get haha. I dare you  ;)

Love Melissa and Arnold

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