Monday, June 6, 2011

Speaking Spanish

After finally getting comfortable with the Italian language, food, and lifestyle it was off to a new country and new language. I have only been to Mexico three times, but of course you figure out a bit of basic Spanish and for some reason I think its close to french - I thought the same thing about Italian too, but really Spanish, French and Italian are nothing alike in my mind.

Anyway, when I was in Italy, I bought an Italian hand book and learnt some basic phrases. Of course when we get to Spain, I want to speak Italian and of course it isn't going to work. Once again, we are in a country where the people don't speak a lot of English and I don't know the language at all - I couldn't even remember how to say "hello". LOL. All I have to say, is that I am looking forward to getting to a Country that I can understand a bit of the language.

But the point of my post is that Spanish people are hilarious - a lot different then Italians (very mellow in comparison but maybe thats because I spent two months in Italy and got used to the loud talking, dramatic conversations LOL). They don't care if you can't understand and/or speak the language - they just keep on talking to you in full on Spanish thinking you will understand - and the faster they talk the better. We just nod and pretend we know what they are saying - then as we walk away we laugh and ask someone else for help. If I know someone doesn't speak English, I try and talk in a simple conversation structure and slowly (maybe add in some hand gestures), but they just talk super fast and super complex. The best was though when this lady pretty much shamed us for not being able to speak Spanish - she was thoroughly disgusted by us haha. But come on, a) we can't be expected to know every language and b) we are Canadian - we learn French in school LOL. It was awesome.

Love Melissa and Arnold

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