Sunday, August 21, 2011

Beijing - People

The people in Beijing (for the most part) are sooo cute. I LOVED the servers in the restaurants. Not a lot of English is spoken outside of the hotels and department stores. English was limited in most restaurants, but you could always get by. Most menu's had pictures of their food which was a HUGE help for us haha. We did a lot of pointing. But any time we were in a restaurant the girls were so cute. They would all laugh when I tried to speak Mandarin (which was limited to Hello and Thank you) and were always as helpful as they could be.

We either walked or took the subway to get places, so taxi's were never an issue. But if you needed to take a taxi in Beijing, you would need to have your directions on paper in Mandarin, otherwise you wouldn't be getting to your destination.

The only thing I found to be odd, is when I would go into a clothing store. They would follow you and stand about 3 feet behind you - not because they think you are going to steal, but because they think if they do that you will buy something. It's high pressure sales and they pick out things for you for you to try on - it could be really ugly, but they would tell you that it looked "most beautiful". It was pretty funny.

Love Melissa and Arnold

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