Sunday, August 7, 2011

Ferry Rides

While we were in Thailand and Indo, we needed to take ferries to get around to the islands near by. I never really had an issue with taking the boats to get around, until recently. If you want to torture me, put me on a boat in rough seas. I have decided that I HATE ferries and if I can get around taking them I will.

First bad ferry ride was in Thailand. We were taking a ferry to head to Ko Tao (about 1 1/2 hours) and our boat left right in the middle of what felt like a tropical storm. Okay, it wasn't really a tropical storm, but it was raining, windy and the seas were rough. I thought I was going to pass out. Our boat was moving in every direction possible - it was like being on a ride at Stampede. And this was a big boat - we were getting tossed around like a rag doll. I had to focus on the horizon otherwise I don't think I would have made it. But I survived and prayed for better weather on the way back.

After spending some time in Bali, we headed to some Islands just off the cost (about 1 1/2 hours away). This time it was a speed boat though - so much, much smaller then the ferries they use in Thailand (about 30 people per boat). I honestly never thought that this ferry ride would be bad, but it was the worst boat ride I have ever taken. I was terrified and trying to keep it together and trying to keep my breakfast down. I remember thinking that I could see why there was so many ferry accidents in Indo - it's crazy. We were crashing around in really rough seas. The worst part about it though, is that we had to take that same ferry back!!!

I was dreading it AND we were going to a different port this time, so we had to be on the boast for 2 1/2 hours this time. The first part of the ride wasn't too bad, not nearly as scary as the first one. But then it turned ugly. I honestly thought that the boat was going to tip on its side. And then the waves were so large that I was actually coming out of my seat. At one point, I let out a bit of a scream. haha I was so nervous. I kept looking at the life jackets getting ready to pull one down. (FYI this boat ride is now the worst boat ride I have taken)

I have come to realize that I am terrified of boats (unless they are on a calm lake) and don't plan on getting on one any time soon. Forget about a cruise ship as well. I'm done with boats for a while haha. I was too focused on holding on to my seat to take pictures, but believe me, it was really horrible. Arnold has a fear of flying and I have a fear of boats - good match, hey. LOL He would rather be on the seas and I would rather fly.

Love Melissa and Arnold

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