Thursday, August 4, 2011

Our next destination

As we sat around on the beaches in Thailand, we were trying to plan where we wanted to head next. For most of the trip, we had a general idea of where we wanted to go and knew we had to be in certain places at a certain time for our flight, but other then that, we have been kind of going by the seat of our pants. We pick countries as we go and reschedule flights as needed.

So this was no different. We knew we had to be back in Bangkok for Aug 13th for our flight to China, but other then that we didn't have any plans. We started asking around, researching online and looking at a map to see what would be the best bet. It's monsoon season in a lot of Asia, so we had to work around that and we wanted to go to Singapore to visit our friends, so another thing we had to keep in mind.

We finally decided to do either Malaysia or Indonesia. The last deciding factor was by Arnold. He didn't want to go back to a place like India - he didn't want to deal with people looking at me and me having to worry about what I was going to wear. BTW, when we were in India, there was no PDA between Arnold and I. We couldn't hold hands, hug or kiss while in public. Not that we are big hand holders or anything like that, it was still a bit weird that we had to be careful about touching. We weren't ready to go back to a country where I had to watch what I was wearing and not just be able to enjoy ourselves.

So with that being said, it was decided that we would head to Indo for two weeks and see how things went. A couple days before we left, we booked a flight to Bali via Kuala Lumpur and we were on our way.  So that is where we have been for the past little while. Best choice ever. Most posts coming about.

Love Melissa and Arnold

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